On September 26, 2015, Southern University football player Devon Gales suffered an on the field spinal cord injury while playing against the University of Georgia. Many were touched by his story and wanted to help him and his family.
Since the night of Devon’s accident we have dedicated ourselves to serving this family. On February 25th, as many may recall, we held a press conference at UGA announcing our efforts to launch a campaign to help raise money to build Devon and his family a handicapped equipped home in Baton Rouge. Triumph Over Tragedy is a young non profit foundation and historically has helped families modify their existing homes who have experienced spinal cord or brain injuries. There is no doubt the Gales home build is the largest project we have ever attempted. We have managed to raise $77,469.64 for the Gales project to date and have completed the purchase of a lot in Baton Rouge. After the purchase of the lot and expenses surrounding the Gales T-Shirt campaign in partnership with UGA, we have $25,257.78 remaining in designated funds set aside from donors to go towards the construction of the new home and is being held in trust by an Atlanta based law firm Arora & LaScala. This still leaves a deficit of approximately $300,000 to complete the home. We did not anticipate the public’s enthusiasm to fall off so greatly shortly after the press conference. There are so many great causes out there that people can choose to support, and we understand that, but we think Devon’s story is one of triumph. We hope whether someone hears Devon’s story for the first time, or recalls the tragic event, they will feel compelled to donate. There is a dedicated fund set up under Devon’s name at Southern University’s Foundation to complete the efforts of building the Gales a home. We look forward to the Gales receiving their new home and we hope Devon will one day triumph over his tragedy.
We can’t thank everyone enough that stepped up and supported this family!